singer • songwriter • musician
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ain’t it good to be alive
baby it’s you
common ground
dirty little secrets
(if you wanna) change the world
don’t let me down
everything’s gone wrong
generation stardust
green on linen
goin’ back to the factory
i love you
imagine my surprise
it could be love
it's too late
keep goin’
less than a mile away
let there be peace
let’s take a walk (in the woods)
love power
sound like you?
stay in the light
(there’s a) tear in the sky
the best
the truth
the way it is
the winner
wandering days
weather the storm
we all are stars
we can begin
we the people
what good is love
when love comes to you
when we dance
When Love Comes To You
v1. When love comes to you
go out and meet it
And see what it's all about
Bask in it's greeting
Take the time to see
what love really means
v2. With love in your sights
you can do no wrong
Every path that you take
is guided by love
You will see clearly
if you allow love to lead
ch. Let love inside and you'll see why
Love lights the world
If you believe, you've gotta believe
Love lights the world
v3. With love inside
we can do magic
Look out on a rainy day
and see the sun shine
You gotta believe
in what love really means
v4. With love as your guide
your purpose is clearer
Disease is the enemy
hunger the blight
War among humans does nothing to cure them
ch. Let love inside
and you'll see why
Love lights the world
If you believe, you've gotta believe
Love lights the world
br. Will we learn, before we die
Love has maintained humanity through time
Will we learn, to survive
We must keep love alive
v5. With love in your life
your actions are noble
Wealth is not the answer
God is not gold
Fill your life with love
And you will be a truly rich soul
ch. Let love inside
and you'll see why
Love lights the world
If you believe, you've gotta believe
Love lights the world